-No one include those who love and support environment know well a good leader will have good wisdom for his people and utilising its resources to benefit everyone but not any individual-
-No one include those who love and support environment know well a good leader will have good wisdom for his people and utilising its resources to benefit everyone but not any individual-
LNG plant should be in Sabah
How does this fairness come about? How is it that Sarawak taking natural gas from us and giving us LNG is fair?
Luyang Assemblywoman cum SAPP Wanita Chief Melanie Chie said that SAPP had in the last two years, repeatedly call on the Government to ensure adequate supply of natural gas to Sabah which is crucial to ensure that proposed development in the state can take off, not to mention development of the oil and gas downstream industries which can generate greater employment opportunities and spur economic development.
SAPP Deputy President and also Likas State Assemblyman Datuk Liew Teck Chan had even tabled a motion in the State Assembly in 2009 objecting to the piping of natural gas from Sabah to Bintulu for the LNG plant there but the motion was rejected in the Sabah State Assembly. In the same sitting, Melanie debated the same subject in the State Assembly sitting and received no attention from the State Government.
"The State Government could have fought for the setting up of a LNG plant in Sabah Instead of piping the natural gas to Bintulu for the LNG plant there. Imagine the economic activities and the downstream activities that would be generated rather than having to ship the LNG from Bintulu to Sabah's East Coast for the alternative power supply!" said Melanie.
The fact that Sabah need to ship LNG from Sarawak for the alternative power supply also confirmed that there is no concerted energy plan by the State Government. Melanie highlighted again the loss of the proposed investment by Sun Bear Polar Sdn Bhd of a RM5.3 billion plant which promised to create 1,082 employment opportunities; development of supporting industries and the development of the small and medium enterprises (SMEs), income from land revenue, amongst others.
The fact that Sabah need to ship LNG from Sarawak for the alternative power supply also confirmed that there is no concerted energy plan by the State Government. Melanie highlighted again the loss of the proposed investment by Sun Bear Polar Sdn Bhd of a RM5.3 billion plant which promised to create 1,082 employment opportunities; development of supporting industries and the development of the small and medium enterprises (SMEs), income from land revenue, amongst others.
It was understood that the loss of this proposed investment was only because the State Government cannot secure for the investor the needed 42 million cubic feet of natural gas daily and electricity supply of 354 Megawatts for the proposed solar glass panels manufacturer.
The Sun Bear Polar Sdn Bhd initially wanted to build a RM5.3 billion plant to produce solar glass panels with silica sand from northern Sabah. It is understood that that the said company has now moved its plant to Peninsular.
"Malaysian in Sabah has to continually be aware of the Government policy and program and speak up. It is not that we always want to fight but many a time, without the "fight", we do not get the attention. Look at the coal power plant. If not for the unceasing efforts of all involved, would we get the result we have today? We cannot be pak turut. Look at all those who praised the Prime Minister and the Chief Minister for the scrapping of the power plant? And yet when I tabled the anti coal motion in the State Assembly, I was shot down."
"Let us not forget that Sabah is still a state full of natural resources and we need end up at the begging end all the time".
(Melanie Chia Chui Ket and Datuk Liew Teck Chan are presently serving as State Assemblywoman and Assemblyman for Luyang and Likas in Sabah)
from SAPP blog post at http://www.sapp.org.my/luyang/110221_mcck_lng_plant.asp
(Sources: SAPP website)