"Petition for a Royal Commission of Inquiry on Illegal Immigrants launched for Sabah need support from everyone especially for sabahan.This should not be considered a politically inclined petition but rather a petition more accepted instead as one upholding the sovereignty for the state as well as laws about immigrants that probably may affect the security of nation. Thank you for those who can look at it more positively and give your signatory to support the petition"
From SAPP Blog post at http://www.sapp.org.my/pti/110228_rci_petition_gaya.asp
Signature Campaign for RCI
(Picture shows members of the public at Gaya Street Sunday Fair signing the petition forms)
Earlier on, a similar campaign was held at Foh Sang Saturday afternoon. A simultaneous one at Paitan on Sunday.
The next schedule for the Petition for a Royal Commission of Inquiry on Illegal Immigrants signature campaign will be at Taman Kiulu on 1st March at 8:00 am; Tamu Tamparuli on 2nd March at 8:00 am; Pekan Nabalu Tamu on 3rd March at 8:00 am; Tamu Donggongon Penampang on 3rd March at 8:00 am; Tamu Kundasang on 4th March at 9:00 am; Tuaran on 6th March at 8:00 am.
This signature campaign, organised by the SAPP Youth is expected to last for a month.
2011-02-28 亞洲時報(本報訊)沙巴進步黨青年團要求政府成立皇家調查委員會一勞永逸解決本州非法移民問題所發起的十萬人簽名運動昨早在加雅街週日展銷會獲得民眾的熱烈響應﹐一個早上成功募集近千人簽名支持﹗
From SAPP Blog (chinese) at http://www.sapp.org.my/chinese/110228_cn_rci_signature_campaign.asp and
Sabah Asiatimes news
(Sources: SAPP website and Sabah Asiatimes)
(Sources: SAPP website and Sabah Asiatimes)